
Lead-author papers

Schaal K. A., Yu Y. T. N., Vasse M., Velicer G. J. (2022) Allopatric divergence of cooperators confers cheating resistance and limits effects of a defector mutation. BMC Ecology and Evolution.

Manhes P.*, Schaal K. A.*, Velicer G. J. (2022) Antagonistic, synergistic, and social pleiotropy in microbial cheaters. BioRxiv. preprint:
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

Last-author papers

Mayrhofer N., Velicer G. J., Schaal K. A.*, Vasse M.* (2021) Behavioral interactions between bacterivorous nematodes and predatory bacteria in a synthetic community. Microorganisms. *These authors contributed equally to this work.
Special Issue Myxobacteria: Physiology and Regulation, edited by Dr. David Whitworth

Contributing-author papers

Manhes P., Schaal K. A., Velicer G. J. (2023) Resource scarcity prevents cheating in a highly social bacterium. BioRxiv.


Schaal K. A. (2022) Microbial models for the evolution of predator-prey interactions. submitted to Journal of Evolutionary Biology. preprint:

Allen W. L.,… Schaal K. A.… Kikuchi D. W., Exnerová A. (2023) The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences. The Journal of Evolutionary Biology.

Book chapters

La Fortezza M., Schaal K. A., Velicer G. J. (2022) Group Formation: On the Evolution of Aggregative Multicellularity. Chapter 6 in Herron MD, Conlin PL, and Ratcliff WC eds. The Evolution of Multicellularity. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. (paywall). preprint: